Swindon ‘Mini’ Ultra Trail

What to expect… With 1017 feet of vert, this will be a good test for most. This is a large portion of the ultra marathons vertical climb.

  • Your day begins early, on the beautiful grounds of Lydiard Park.

    Starting a few minutes after the full ultra runners. You will follow them along the local trails and over the M4 and first main road crossing.

  • Following the arrows along the old walking route. More local trails leading you along a section of the White Horse Trail and up through Bincknoll Castle and in to Broad Hinton, Where you will soon see your one and only checkpoint. But be careful, a major road crossing comes first, before you can replenish.

  • Fed and watered, the long climb up to The Ridgeway begins. Once you reach the top, the views can be taken in whilst taking a left.

    Then all that is required, is the straight shot to Barbury castle.